Canine Nose Work Classes

Photos by Creek Walker Photography

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."

-Anatole France

K9 Nose Work® Classes

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Lore Joplin, MPA, PNWI

Hi, I'm Lore, and I've been training animals (dogs, goats, horses, and cattle) for as long as I can remember. In 2006 my first standard poodle, Averna, entered my life and we started training and competing in agility, obedience, and rally. In 2011, Averna and I took our first nose work class and fell in love with the sport. I started Performance Paws, LLC in 2016 when I started co-hosting canine scent work trials. I currently compete in multiple venues with my standard poodle, Elsa. I regularly attend conferences and seminars, and am working on my instructor certification for NACSW. I live in Portland, Oregon, and teach in the surrounding area. I look forward to supporting you and your dog on your nose work journey.

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